Un momento de pensar
equivale a una hora de hablar.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to
trust in man...
Psalm 118:8
"Los hombres se dividen en dos bandos: Los que aman y construyen y los que odian y destruyen"
...José Martí
''Men are divided into two groups: Those that love and build, and those that hate and destroy."
...José Martí
Oración de Gandhi
"Mi Señor, ayúdame
a decir la verdad delante de los fuertes, y a no decir mentiras para ganarme el aplauso de los débiles. Si me das fortuna,
no me quites la razón; si me das éxito no me quites la humildad; si me das humildad, no me quites la dignidad ni me dejes
inculpar de traición a los demás que no piensen igual que yo. Que no caiga en el orgullo si triunfo ni en la desesperación
si fracaso; más bien, recuérdame que el fracaso es la experiencia que precede al triunfo. Enséñame que perdonar es signo de
grandeza, y que la venganza es señal de bajeza. Si me quitas del éxito, que aprenda del fracaso. Si ofendo a mi gente, que
tenga el valor para disculparme, y si soy ofendido, dame valor para perdonar. ¡Señor, si me olvido de ti, nunca te olvides
de mí! No importa qué ideología tengas, todos coincidimos en algo:
queremos paz".
should conduct his trade, craft and business in such a way that he overcharges no one, cheats no one with false wares, is
satisfied with a fair profit, and gives people something worthwhile for their penny."
An elderly
couple walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic for a checkup and spotted a piano. They've been married for 62 years and he'll
be 90 this year.
Whenever you find you
are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect
--- Mark Twain
We have never observed
a great civilization with a population as old as the United States will have in the twenty-first century; we have never observed
a great civilization that is as secular as we are apparently going to become; and we have had only half a century of experience
with advanced welfare states...Charles Murray
This is a personal website containing personal information and some news and personal opinions on
certain issues affecting democratic governance of interest to me and my friends, associates and seminar participants. The
financial information, charts, etc., consist of items I find interesting. Draw your own conclusions from it.
Copyright Notice: In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work on this website is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed an
interest in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only. Ref.: http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html