Lea with one of 8 new rabbits born at Quinta Quivilla |
Some more photos of Lea
Lea and Jim aun mas enamorados despues de 32 aņos de matrimonio |
Lea y Jim bailando en el omnomastico 70 de Jim, 2004 |

Lea at the table at home |
Hermano Ruben de Lima, Peru |
Hermano Eleazar de Alexandria, Virginia |

Lea with her first two Chihuahuas...now she has 5 |
Lea lights a candle at Rubyli and Joe's wedding, Joey's mother lit the other one |

Lea in Mexico |

Lea at home in Alexandria, Virginia |
Lea with our giant rabbit, Chasqui. |
Lea at daughter Rubyli's wedding in Atlanta, June 11, 2005 |
Lea with niece and nephew and Mexican Chihuahuas Inti and Kella (November, 2003) |
Lea feeds her beloved alpacas, Illimani and Huascaran (2006) |
Lea with one of her best friends, Marta Recinos from El Salvador |
A different hairdo and a big smile |
Lea at Mexico's famous Xochimilco gardens |
Lea at home in Quito with friends Cecelia and Edu Estrella |
Lea at home in Quinta Quivilla, Quito |